Brothers and Sisters,
We Are One Body in this beautiful church of ours. Although we are all called to and driven by various ministries, all of which are important to your parish and our diocese, we all have the same mission, to Proclaim the Good News and to ensure our church and faith thrive. It is that time of year where I ask you the faithful to participate in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. This appeal is essential in funding ministries that Proclaim the Good News and help our Church grow. This year’s appeal will fund Vocations, Catechetical Ministries and Catholic Education. The one thing these three ministries have in common is that they all form teachers of our faith. Teaching our faith is essential in growing our faith and Proclaiming the Good News. Please help us in supporting the formation of our future priests, Catechetical leaders and Catholic Educators. I thank you all for your generosity to your parish and the diocese as we work as One Body to Grow Our Faith and Proclaim the Good News.