Dear Faculty, Staff, and Parents,
After March 11, 2022, the universal masking requirement for TK-12 and childcare settings will terminate for faculty, staff, and students. CDPH strongly recommends that individuals in these settings continue to mask indoors when the universal masking requirement lifts. Any family who wishes their child to mask may continue to so while indoors. Please communicate with your child your choice regarding masking and help them understand their friends may have a different choice. There will be no consequences (inside or outside the classroom) for students and their families who choose to not mask while indoors.
This has been a very polarizing, long, and frustrating two years for all of us and our students, faculty, staff, and parents. As I reflect on this time, I’m grateful for our Catholic schools who implemented new teaching strategies over ZOOM, developed safety plans, and kept our schools open. I’m thankful for all the parents who shared concerns in a positive, productive way that fosters open dialogue. But most of all, I’m thankful there is an end in sight and we can now re-focus on what matters most, the continued education of our students.
May God continue to watch over and bless our communities.
Joan Bouchard
Superintendent of Catholic Schools